Acting: | - Acting: Kurt Heinlein, Sarah Wiggin, Lisa Brescia, Robert Westernberg
- Acting for the Camera: Kurt Heinlein
- Dialects: Robert Westernberg
- Voice and Movement: Ed Swiney, Joe Price, Lisa Brescia
Stage Combat: | - FDC Certified Basic Action Combatant: Single Sword - Todd Campbell, Quarterstaff - Daniel Levinson, Unarmed - Nate Bitton, Grappling - Kurt Heinlein
- SAFT Certified in Unarmed: Fightography - Jacqueline Holloway
Voice: | - Luann Higgs, Elodie Perroud
Workshops: | - Alexander: Joe Krienke
- Voice Over: Ike Amadi
- Shakespeare: James Garnon, Jill Zager
- Casting: Kate Kumpkin, Marisa Ross
- Interview Project: Louis Colainni
- Vocal Combat: D'Arcy Smith